Sven Augustijnen’s work explores the borders between documentary and fiction. It consists largely of film essays and documentary feature films on political and social themes and documentary film and video portraits.
Augustijnen’s work constantly challenges the genre of the documentary, reflecting a wider interest in historiography and a predilection for stories: ‘Historiography is by no means a natural phenomenon. The construction of reality and the way we use stories, images and fiction to construct it fascinates me. The dividing line between reliable and unreliable makes it extremely interesting for an artist.’
Old News is a project about information, media and recycled and reprinted news. Old News is a non-profit newspaper consisting of articles, images and words extracted from existing newspapers by artists. The articles were chosen by the artist with a view to rearranging the news from his own perspective. Sven Augustijnen was asked to select articles over a 24-month period, from August 2011 to August 2013, thereby bridging the gap between the last and the new biennial. During the course of the exhibition, the artist may add newspaper cuttings to the reading table and installation.
Coproduced by Contour 2013.
In addition to Sven Augustijnen’s Old News selection for Contour 2013, Jacob Fabricius presents previous Old News newspapers, selected by artists such as Banu Cennetoğlu, Haris Epaminonda, Jonathan Monk and Nevin Aladag. You can browse through these newspapers at Contour’s different venues or take a copy with you.